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Binary Solutions on CeBIT 2012

We are visiting CeBIT in Hannover this March. If you would like to meet and talk with our representative, just send us an email and we will arrange an appointment. Hope to meet you soon!
Signature Capture for Android app icon

Signature Capture v6.0 (Developer License) Released

We have just released a Signature Capture v6.0. This release affects only the Developer License, the latest Standard License version is still 5.1.

What’s new in this version: full customization of UI is now possible since the Signature Capture can now be started not only as an Android Activity but inside of any Android view as well. For further information please check the code sample and javadocs in the sample package.

Price is still the same and we offer 40% discount for all our existing Developer License customers.

You can read more about the Signature Capture here: Signature Capture for Android.