Signature Capture for Android v8.1.1 released
Earlier today we have released Signature Capture v8.1.1.
Comparing to v7.x releases, this version contains various layout improvements and license deactivation functionality. ACRA error reporting library has been removed, as well as Amazon payments.
Currently, purchase of new licenses is available exclusively through FastSpring, our e-commerce provider. The license price is now pegged to the euro instead to the US dollar. As well, we have switched from one-time payments to yearly subscriptions. Licenses that have been purchased previously will not expire, they are valid indefinitely.
As we have to comply with Google Play Store policies, our app distributed on Google Play Store in near future will contain Google Billing as the only method of payment. We will be switching to this form of payment on 30 September 2021, at latest. Once we switch, the license price for the app distributed on Google Play Store will be increased in order to cover for the Google fee (that is currently 30%). Please note that the same app will still be available for direct download from our website. The app obtained that way will not use Google Billing and it will remain with the same license price.
Read more about the Signature Capture here: Signature Capture for Android.