Fill and Sign PDF Forms for Android app icon

Fill and Sign PDF Forms 1.3.1 released

‘Fill and Sign PDF Forms’ application has been updated. New release is 1.3.1 and contains important bug fixes. All users are advised to make an update as soon as possible. Application is available from Android Market here:

6 replies
  1. Shafiekd
    Shafiekd says:


    I created fillable jobcard in Adobe Livecycle Designer 9. I need the client to sign the pdf jobcard on the tablet (Android 2.2).

    Fill and Sign however does not even open the document.
    Is ‘fill and sign pdf’ the correct app for this?

  2. Ns
    Ns says:

    great app guys

    a few things i’d like to see updated

    addition and subtraction if there is a formula in the pdf to be filled
    ability to take a photo and have it next (or on the left side) of the signature.
    ability to have a .csv track of all the fillings that have taken place on the form (this could occur just before the form is ready to be emailed)

  3. Bulld
    Bulld says:

    Hi Can the app support drop down menus for dates , if i design the PDF in livecycle , the app says it is not a form , but it clearly is if i open it on my pc

    Great app by the way

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