Fill and Sign PDF Forms for Android v4.2.2 released
Earlier today we released Fill and Sign PDF Forms v4.2.2.
The most important changes are the following:
- updating PDF library to v4.2.14
- adding option to append photos to document as separate pages
- adding options to hide invisible and non-printable form fields
- options ‘Clear all’ and ‘Reset to default’ now set focus to the 1st form field
- bugfix: ‘Reset to default’ and forms with radio buttons
- bugfix: properly handling content input streams from 3rd party apps
You can read more about the application here: Fill and Sign PDF Forms for Android.
Just bought your product with my phone to fill and sign PDF. When I bring up the PDF form to write on, it doesn’t work. Maybe am doing something wrong or your product doesn’t work.
What error message are you receiving?
How do i sign
Hello Amy, your form has to contain a signature field.
I just bought this too can’t seem to figure out how to work it I’m not a track guru I need to bring up forms on my Gmail sign and send back
Just open or download your form from gmail. Fill and Sign PDF Forms should be shown as one of options to open your PDF file.