Fill and Sign PDF Forms for Android app icon

Important news regarding upcoming version of Fill and Sign PDF Forms

Due to enforced policies for Android devices version 11 and above, our app has to change it’s behavior. This might affect the way you were using it till now, so please read this post carefully.

The app is not allowed any more to directly browse, read files from or save files to any public directory on your device, including the root
directory named Fill_and_Sign_PDF.

Thus from now on, input documents can be imported to Fill and Sign PDF Forms app only from an external app (file manager, email app, etc.). Built-in file browser is not available any more. Also, all output documents will be saved to directories that are visible only to our app. These directories will be located on your device’s internal drive, not on a swappable SD card.

All output documents will be exportable. The export destination has to be chosen by you. Our app is restricted in that sense and export can not be done automatically without your interaction.

If you decide to uninstall the app, all output documents will be deleted by the Android OS as well. For that reason, if you want to preserve them, use the export functionality before uninstalling.

If you were using the app as an external library, please check the updated integration instructions on our website. Note that some input parameters have been renamed, too:


… have been renamed to:



If these enforced changes are not acceptable to you, please contact us via e-mail so that we can provide you with the app version that is
backward compatible. Due to mentioned security policies, that app version can not be distributed via Google Play Store.

If you decide to update the app with the future release, all existing output documents, if any, will be imported from the public to the internal app directories. They will not be deleted from the public directory. If you decide to delete the public directory and existing output documents, you will have to do it yourself manually. Please note that document importing will not work if the old app version has been uninstalled and new one installed anew.


Release of the new app version is planed for the end of this month. If you are interested in testing it out beforehand, please contact us directly.


You can read more about the app here: Fill and Sign PDF Forms for Android.

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