Signature Capture for Android app icon

Signature Capture Pricing Change – Important Information

Due to the market demand, we are changing our pricing policy. Standard License, that allowed signature capture on unlimited number of devices, is going be terminated and replaced with ‘per device’ license.

This change affects directly only our future customers. You can continue using our product under the terms that were effective when you made a purchase. Also, if you decide so, you can switch to the new licensing option without any additional costs. We would recommend that you do so as that is the only way for you to stay entitled to free product updates.

The new license is going to cost $8.99 USD (one-time fee, unlimited duration of license) and it will be introduced with the ‘Signature Capture’ v4.0. If you decide to switch to the new application version, your new license will be valid on exactly 11 Android devices and the old Standard License will be invalidated.

If you decide to continue using the latest application version (v3.1) take care that you do not overrun it with the updates from the Android Market. Application auto-updates will be turned off.

Updated application will be released in a month, on November 20th. We are announcing this beforehand in order to make your transition smooth.

Feel free to reach us via contact form if you have any kind of questions.

P.S: If you are interested in trying out updates before their official release, contact us and we will mail you necessary files.